Du Yunfei, President of Minsheng Bank Hong Kong Branch, and his delegation visited COSCO SHIPPING (Hong Kong)


Du Yunfei, President of Minsheng Bank Hong Kong Branch, and his delegation visited COSCO SHIPPING (Hong Kong)


On July 15, Du Yunfei, President of Minsheng Bank Hong Kong Branch, and his delegation visited COSCO SHIPPING (Hong Kong) and had exchanges and talks with Qian Weizhong, Chairman of COSCO SHIPPING (Hong Kong).


Qian Weizhong welcomed the visit of Du Yunfei and his delegation, and introduced the company's history, industrial layout and key project construction. He said that COSCO Shipping Hong Kong is focusing on overseas industrial capital investment, green digital and intelligent ship services and other fields, accelerating the layout of strategic emerging industries, and vigorously developing new productive forces. The cooperation between the two parties has broad prospects and hopes to further deepen exchanges and cooperation and give full play to their respective differences. We will leverage our advantages to explore cooperation paths in capital investment, overseas industry development, fund management, etc. to jointly promote high-quality development and create a new model for bank-enterprise cooperation.


Du Yunfei introduced the development history, operating advantages and business situation of Minsheng Bank in Hong Kong. He said that Minsheng Bank Hong Kong Branch attaches great importance to cooperation with COSCO SHIPPING (Hong Kong) and will use this interactive exchange as an opportunity to further closely follow the development needs of COSCO SHIPPING (Hong Kong) and use comprehensive, professional and high-quality financial resources to strengthen COSCO Shipping Hong Kong. Youdaodao provides service support and guarantee, and works together to seek a new chapter of development.


Wu Yingjun, Vice President of Minsheng Bank Hong Kong Branch, relevant persons in charge of the Greater Bay Area Business Department, Meng Xin, Chief Accountant of COSCO SHIPPING (Hong Kong), and relevant persons in charge of the Finance Department attended the meeting.