Fan Qiang, General Manager of China Classification Society Hong Kong Branch, and his delegation visited COSCO SHIPPING (Hong Kong)


Fan Qiang, General Manager of China Classification Society Hong Kong Branch, and his delegation visited COSCO SHIPPING (Hong Kong)


On July 23, Fan Qiang, General Manager of China Classification Society Hong Kong Branch, and his delegation visited COSCO SHIPPING (Hong Kong) and had exchanges and talks with Qian Weizhong, Chairman of COSCO SHIPPING (Hong Kong), and Zhu Changyu, President of COSCO SHIPPING (Hong Kong).

Qian Weizhong extended a warm welcome to Fan Qiang and his entourage, introduced the overall situation, business layout and future transformation and development direction of COSCO SHIPPING (Hong Kong), and thanked the Hong Kong Branch of China Classification Society for its support and help in business development and technical services. It is hoped that the two sides will continue to have in-depth exchanges on the basis of years of good cooperation, further explore comprehensive cooperation in the fields of digital intelligence, green and low-carbon, and new quality productivity, and jointly contribute to the development of Hong Kong as an international shipping center and work together to achieve high-quality development.

Fan Qiang shared the development history, main business and development status and trend of green alternative fuels in Hong Kong, and hoped that the two sides would further strengthen exchanges, deepen cooperation, synergy and mutual benefit, and seek common development, and that the Hong Kong branch of China Classification Society would give full play to its own advantages to provide efficient and high-quality services and strong technical support for the high-quality new development of COSCO SHIPPING (Hong Kong).

The heads of relevant functional departments of the Hong Kong branch of China Classification Society, Chen Hui, vice president of COSCO SHIPPING (Hong Kong), and relevant persons in charge of the operation management department attended the meeting.