COSCO SHIPPING International’s Volunteer Team sent warm feelings and love to the Elderly People’s heart in the cold winter


On 19th January 2019, COSCO SHIPPING International joined hands with the non-profit organization, Sham Shui Po District Elderly Community Centre of Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council (“NAAC”), and sent its volunteer team to visit a group of 39 elderly people. The volunteer team sent Dumplings and lucky gift bag to the elderly with the blessing of warmth.

COSCO SHIPPING International’s volunteer team was consisting of 31 employees and other 13 family members from those employees. There are 9 of the volunteers are children. They carried lucky gift bags and other necessities to pay visit to elderly people living alone and together in Shek Kip Mei Estate, according to the designated instructions.

During the visit, they showed care to the elderly and collected their feedback for the social workers to follow up. Those elderly are happy to share their stories to the volunteers.

The volunteers who participated in the activity said that, this activity enriched their lives and also helped those people in need. In the future, they will actively participate in volunteer activities and contribute their own strength to the harmonious development of the community.

The visit activity was organised by Sham Shui Po District Elderly Community Centre of NAAC, which is a local social service centre offering diversified services for the elderly. Since 2011, COSCO SHIPPING International had collaborated with the centre and sent its volunteer team in the festive seasons and the winter to visit the elderly. Until now, a total of 2,024 volunteer hours were serviced and a number of 519 elderly benefited.