Mr. Huang Liuquan, the Vice Director of the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office inspected the affiliates of COSCO SHIPPING Group in HK.


On 23rd December, Mr. Huang Liuquan, the Vice Director of the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office and his delegation visited COSCO SHIPPING (Hong Kong) and inspected the affiliates of COSCO SHIPPING Group in Hong Kong. Mr. Zhang Yipeng, the Vice Director-General of Exchange and Co-operation of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, Mr. Sun Yunfei, the Vice Managing Director, Chief Accountant of COSCO SHIPPING Group, Mr. Ma Jianhua, the Vice President of COSCO SHIPPING (Hong Kong) and relevant leaders from the affiliates of COSCO SHIPPING Group in Hong Kong joined the inspection.


On behalf of COSCO SHIPPING Group, Mr. Sun Yunfei welcomed Mr. Huang Liuquan and his delegation. He expressed his appreciation of the continued support and cooperation from Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, and made a brief introduction of the affiliates of COSCO SHIPPING Group in Hong Kong. COSCO SHIPPING (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd., COSCO SHIPPING Finance Holdings Co., Ltd., COSCO SHIPPING Port Co., Ltd. and COSCO (Hong Kong) Shipping Co., Ltd. have made their speeches individually, on the topics regarding shipping finance, shipping insurance and their prospects in Hong Kong.


Mr. Liu Quan encouraged the affiliates of COSCO SHIPPING Group in Hong Kong to seize opportunities from the “Greater Bay Area” and the “Belt and Road” initiatives, as well as to pursue their contribution to Hong Kong’s shipping industry.