COSCO Shipping International (Hong Kong) Holds Extraordinary General Meeting and Approves the Acquisition of Helen Insurance Brokers Limited


On December 28, 2023, an extraordinary general meeting ("EGM") of COSCO Shipping International (Hong Kong) Limited ("COSCO Shipping International Hong Kong" or the "Company", stock code: 00517.HK) was held. The EGM was chaired by Mr. Zhu Changyu, Chairman of the Company and attended by Ms. Meng Xin, Mr. Tsui You Wa, Mr. Jiang Simon X and Mr. Kwong Che Keung, directors of the Company.


At the EGM, the resolution for the acquisition of the entire issued share capital of Helen Insurance Brokers Limited by the Company was duly passed by the independent shareholders by a majority of votes in favor. On behalf of the Board, Mr. Zhu Changyu, Chairman of the Company, expressed his appreciation to the shareholders for their support and trust.


COSCO Shipping International Hong Kong has been engaged in the insurance brokerage business for nearly 20 years and is an important part of the Company’s shipping services value chain. Going forward, the acquisition will create synergy with resource sharing to better achieve economies of scale and optimise the relevant operations of the Group’s insurance brokerage business. Our competitiveness and brand value will further strengthen with enhanced services quality and customer satisfaction, as we strive to enhance the Company’s profitability and shareholders’ return.