COSCO SHIPPING Hong Kong Unites participate in “World Ocean Charity Run 2019”


The “World Ocean Charity Run 2019” sponsored by COSCO SHIPPING Group, this year, with the theme of the endangered Ocean Species – Cheilinus undulatus, invites runners to protect the Cheilinus undulatus and the marine ecology. Following the parent-child workshop of “Free Ocean World”, the second activity “World Ocean Charity Run”, which was held on October 12th in Lung Kwu Tan, Tuen Mun, Hong Kong. It invited the public to collect the garbage to make a contribution to the ocean.


COSCO SHIPPING (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. / COSCO SHIPPING (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. / COSCO SHIPPING International (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd., COSCO SHIPPING Financial Holdings Co., Ltd., COSCO SHIPPING Port Co., Ltd., nearly 100 employees and their families actively participated in the event.


About “World Ocean Charity Run 2019”
“World Ocean Charity Run 2019” was sponsored by COSCO SHIPPING Group Co., Ltd., and the Charity Run will be held at the Hong Kong Science Park on December 21, 2019. It will be evoked by the road running activities and the introduction of endangered ocean spices. The donations raised by World Ocean Charity Run 2019 will be donated to the Environmental Ecology Association to support the conservation of the ocean.