Mr. Shen Danyang, the Vice Governor of Hainan Province and his delegation visited COSCO SHIPPING Hong Kong


On April 24, Mr. Zhu Jianhui, the President of COSCO SHIPPING Hong Kong, met with Mr. Shen Danyang, the Vice Governor of Hainan Province and his delegation. Both parties have talked about the topics related to further strengthening cooperation between the two parties.


Stand for Mr. Xu Lirong, the Presidnet of COSCO SHIPPING Group. Mr. Zhu Jianhui welcomed the visiting of Mr. Shen and his delegation. And he reviewed the shipping businesses in general and looking forward to future partnership with Hai Nan Province.


Mr. Shen Danyang said, the main reason come to Hong Kong this time is to promote the Hai Nan Free Trade Zone to Hong Kong. And lay a solid foundation for the construction of the free trade port and promote the economic development of Hainan. He also said that the cooperation between Hainan Province and COSCO SHIPPING Group has a broad development space. COSCO SHIPPING Group is welcomed to invest in Hainan. Hainan will continue to optimize the business environment and provide supporting services for enterprises.


Hainan Provincial Local Financial Supervision Bureau, Department of Commerce, Tourism and Culture Radio and Television Department, Provincial Party Committee United Front Department, Provincial Government Research Office, and Mr. Liu Xianghao, Mr. Zhou Liliang, the Vice President of Hong Kong COSCO SHIPPING Hong Kong, President Office, Warfare Department, Capital Department, relevant personnel from the Finance Department and the Public Relations Department attended the meeting.