COSCO SHIPPING International Hong Kong organizes environmental recycling activities


COSCO SHIPPING Hong Kong and the non-profit organization “Christian Action” jointly organized an environmental recycling campaign with the theme of “donating to help people, love warms people’s heart”, promoting environmental protection concepts to employees, encouraging recycling, donating and helping others, and there are 38 employees actively participated and donated 11 large bags and 1 box of items.

The event called on the company’s employees to recycle the old clothes, toys, books, shoes, stationery, small appliances and household items that were idle at home, and then hand over the items recovered by the Christian Action to the new arrivals family with low wage, ethnic minorities, orphans and children with disabilities in Qinghai Province, or through charity sales to support the humanitarian support and social services of the Association in Hong Kong and the Mainland.

The annual Environmental Recycling Day has become an important corporate citizenship activity of the company. This activity has been held for ten consecutive years and has achieved remarkable results. By 2018, a total of 1,062 kilograms of clothing, 54 pieces of electrical appliances + 150 kilograms, 213 kilograms of toys and 327 kilograms of other materials were donated.

In the future, COSCO SHIPPING International Hong Kong will continue to actively fulfill its corporate citizenship responsibilities, actively contribute to the society, promote employees’ participation in various social welfare activities, and provide more support and assistance to those in need.